Madagascar 2019
My second trip with ORYX was as great as the first one. It was one of the most colorful holidays I’ve ever had! Madagascar was awesome. Everything went smoothly which is nothing short of a miracle in Madagascar because of the shoddy infrastructure.
Big thanks to our tour leader Dale who was a genius at fixing problems before they occurred, and for finding us compositions and angles, and windows in the thick of the forest, which is quite hard with all the dappled light and branches and green stuff in the way. A very big compliment to Dale Morris. He is the first person in 6 years who could convince me to switch to back button focus. He showed us a lot about spot metering and exposing too.
The hotels were lovely, the food really good, and the beers were cold and cheap. The photo opportunities are innumerable, varied, and colorful and it was great fun getting up close and personal with chameleons, tiny frogs, and dragonflies. The lemurs and sifakas are just the best things to watch and photograph, there are so many different ones, and yet they are all so very cute.
We came home with a colorful diverse portfolio of great photos and are more than happy! A big thank you. I believe you will see more of us!